The Mini Royale Feature Designers have spoken. The devs have tinkered. The QAs have… QA’ed. And now, we bring to you an all new reward type: Item Shards!
Item Shards are tiny pieces of a character or weapon skin that can be collected through various prize-giving mechanics like Quests, Daily Attendance, Lucky Shooting Range, Battle Pass, and Clan Wars.
Each shard has a preordained destiny and can only be used for the weapon or character skin that it’s a part of. You’ll need to collect all of the shards for a specific weapon in order to summon the full form.
When Item Shards are Clan Wars prizes, Clan leaders can select amounts to send to various players. If your Clan leaders send you shards, you’ll be notified on the home page.
You’ll start to see this little puzzle piece popping up on the game interface. This identifies a prize as a shard.
You can keep track of how many Item Shards you’ve collected, and how many you need, in the Lab. Some shards of an item are available in a Quest, while the remaining shards are found in Clan Wars. Be sure to keep an eye on the Battle Pass too.